On 3/31/07, Eelco Hillenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ai! A sandbox project that slipped our attention I'm afraid. Thanks
for finding it. I fixed it and added our unit test for header files to
that project.

If there have been changes since the release was cut, a new release
must IMHO be created, so that people can vote (on the wicket lists
first, and then come back here) on the correct one.

Also, I'm not too convinced of the "release that is not meant for
public consumption" thing - according to the ASF's definition,
binaries do not constitute a release unless they're meant for public
consumption. Sorry that (as a Wicket mentor) I should have said that
on the wicket list before the vote came here, but I didn't find time
to look at it earlier.

My suggestions (unless I missed something): create a new release with
clean license headers (i.e. fixes that have already been applied
IIUC), and make it available to the general public, with suitable
disclaimers ("it's veryvery alpha, APIs will change, etc."). If the
disclaimers are scary enough, nobody will use it anyway, but the
process will at least be realistic.


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