On 3/16/07, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
While the incubator is a good idea, it seems that it is more difficult
to build a community inside the incubator
than outside, because of all the existing rules.  And remember that the
release early, release often mantra can
not be applied on podlings, given the pain to release a project in

The same rules apply for all top level projects, as I understand it,
except that the IPMC is not in the loop:
- the PMC needs to accept (vote on) the release
- the code needs to be completely free of legal issues regarding licenses, etc.
- the released artifacts need to have proper NOTICE and LICENSE files
in the right places, etc.
- the community should work in the Apache Way (tm), or else how could
they have become a TLP?

The biggest difference is that the code in the incubator typically
comes from an external source and needs to transition from non-Apache
licensed to Apache licensed. And the community needs to learn how to
work the Apache Way.


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