
can you show me a single podling web site where they provide guidance
on how exactly to use the podling artifacts? and hence "overcome the
ill-documentation" caused by the incubator process. Anyone who has
even barely touched m2 knows how to add a new repo to his pom.xml so
this is a non-issue.

-- dims

On 3/15/07, Bruce Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/15/07, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because projects get killed/nuked as they don't have enough legs to
> stand on literally. You are assuming that every project makes it. It
> doesn't. We have to let people know that they are making a conscious
> choice by making it difficult.

I'm not assuming anything. Users are well aware that projects reside
in the Incubator - especially with 'incubating' in the project
version. I even think Niclas's suggestion to also put 'incubator' in
the package name is a good idea because it would force the Maven
groupId element to be org.apache.incubator.<project>.

I still don't understand the benefit of an Incubator policy that force
users to overcome ill-documented (or even undocumented) hurdles like
the Maven repo policy. Whenever I explain it to someone (and I have to
do this a lot) they ask me why it's so difficult and non-standard. I
explain the rationale behind the policy and they tell me it's just an
unnecessary pain - that they're clearly aware the project resides in
the Incubator.

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