Yep, I think maven has transformed those POM during release/deploy process and removed Apache License headers. We just completed CXF release preparation and run into the same issue.


Guillaume Nodet wrote:
They were in svn before the release has been performed by
the maven plugin.    They still are present in the branch that
was used to release this version.  Unfortunately, it seems
to be a maven bug :(

Guillaume Nodet

robert burrell donkin wrote:
On 11/17/06, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The ServiceMix community voted on and has approved to release ServiceMix
We would now like to request the permission of the Incubator PMC to
publish the release.
running RAT, there seem to be a *lot* of poms without license header.
any reason why they are missing?

- robert

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