To avoid those issue ActiveMQ tends to do a build of say ActiveMQ
4.1.0 and we drop it in
a directory called ActiveMQ-4.1.0-RC1 and then if during the vote
something happens, we rebuild and 4.1.0 again and put it in directory
called RC2 etc.

So I would guess you guys just need to put out at  0.9.6-incubating RC2

On 11/21/06, Patrick Linskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I agree with Marc that we should continue to iterate on the
> > 0.9.6-incubating release until we get it right. It would only be
> > confusing if we actually publish the incubating release and
> then publish
> > another 0.9.6. But iterations on the release candidate
> aren't new releases.
> Yes, but it is confusing if you look at the thread about voting on
> 0.9.6. If 0.9.7 isn't available. Can we have as the next
> iteration of the 0.9.6 release?

I don't understand the confusion... 0.9.6 hasn't been released yet;
nobody should be confused by a vote for it.

Personally, I don't much care what we do at this point, although I'd
prefer a 0.9.7 to, since there is no 0.9.6 currently and
implies that one does.

However, I *would* like clear guidance about what to do. Is this going
to cause problems with incubator approval of the 0.9.6 vote that's
currently running on the OpenJPA mailing list?

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