The most popular way to pronounce UIMA is you-eee-muh.
There is a fairly large user community using pre-Apache UIMA. The
potential confusion about which UIMA people may be talking about may be
mitigated somewhat by versioning. The pre-Apache releases are numbered
1.x.x; the Apache ones will be numbered as 2.x.x and higher. (We are
showing a "beta" level of 2.x in pre-Apache form, but will transition
users as rapidly as possible to the the Apache one, once we get set up
and "going" in Apache).
If we rename it, this might cause some confusion itself - it would
appear that there were 2 different things, rather than one thing that
was moving from its previous environment to Apache. I'm not sure what
would be more confusing - having a new name, or having users understand
that the project has moved to Apache.
I agree it's good to avoid creating the impression of having Apache
becoming a BigCo shill. But I'm not sure renaming will do very much for
this point, one way or another.
For what its worth, I'm slightly on the side of thinking it's less
confusing (especially to the existing users) to keep the name.
-Marshall Schor
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Mads Toftum wrote:
+1 - there seems to have started some sort of fascination with changing
names where there is no need. In general I'm not really a fan of naming
things so that it is impossible to guess what a project is (that's hard
enough as it is already).
How would UIMA be pronounced in languages other than English?
Aside from that, I'm wary of tedious and uninspiring names,
like 'log4j'. I'm also wary of retaining names for projects
that have had an existence prior to Apache. One reason is
possible IP issues, and another is confusion. If some commercial
concern has a product based on UIMA and they say so.. do they
mean Apache UIMA? Pre-Apache UIMA? If they adopt the Apache
package, do we need to worry about brand issues? (Answer: yes.)
This is a new set of IP attributes for this item. I seriously think
it needs a new name.. and not least because it's coming from
the company with probably the greatest investment in software IP
on the planet. With all the (baseless) remarks about Apache
becoming a BigCo shill and clearinghouse, I see contraindications
for maintaining the BigCo name.
Just MHO.
- --
#ken P-)}
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