On 10/8/06, Jim Jagielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

However, in that case I would really like to see it that
if committers from other ASF projects read the proposal
and have a sincere interest in helping, that they be
included in the initial list, since I think it helps
bootstrap the community process right off the bat.

Noel and I were chatting about this last night, and my position is that I'm
okay with 'piling on' by ASF folks *if* the podling community is happy with
that.  If the podling folks do not want them on the initial list and desire
that they earn their commit bits through actual participation, I'm okay with
that too.

Noel's said that being the arbitrator of who is on the list should be the
role of the Champion and I think that's probably as good as we're going to
get.  But, by the time the Incubator PMC votes on a proposal, that list must
be set (i.e. no deletions after the vote concludes).  -- justin

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