On Monday October 02 2006 10:54 am, Newcomer, Eric wrote:
> How could they contribute when they were not given access? 

The same way any non-commiter contributor contributes to a project:

1) JIRA - creating JIRA items, submitting patches, etc... I admit, the CXF 
JIRA was not setup to allow patches to be attached for the first couple 
weeks.   Once that was discovered, we did get it fixed as quickly as possible 
and it's been ok for several weeks now.  (One note: I did send a request [1] 
for JIRA ids to be added so I could create a master list for infrastructure 
rather than bombard them with "one at a time" requests.  I didn't get a 
response from everyone, although I don't know if Jason or the other mentors 
did get a response.)

2) Dev lists - participate in discussions, start discussions with new ideas, 
ask questions, etc...

3) Wiki - help out with the wiki if the wiki is publicly editable.    If not, 
definitely try to document ideas and findings in some form or another so it 
can be added to the wiki.

All three of those are very valuable contributions to a project, but they 
don't require commit access (other than maybe the wiki depending on how 
that's setup).   All three are generally how someone earns commit access. 



> These guys 
> have been asking for two weeks or more to be allowed to contribute, and
> in some cases did not even receive a reply.
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kulp, John Daniel
> Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2006 4:17 PM
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Cc: Justin Erenkrantz
> Subject: Re: Policy on Initial Committership
> Justin,
> On Sunday October 01 2006 3:22 pm, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> > We've seen an example of this with Celtixfire.  So far, we're waiting
> for
> > an explanation (as those discussions did not occur in a place where
> the
> > Incubator PMC could provide any oversight), but the aggrieved parties
> > believe they have been barred access to a project they felt they
> > contributed to.
> That's not it.   The issue is they have been barred access to a project
> they
> have only expressed interest in contributed to.   They have not yet
> contributed anything (no code, no patches, little to no communication on
> the
> dev list, etc...).   That is why the CXF mentors decided it was
> in-appropriate to give them commit access.   There name was on the
> initial
> proposal, but after two months, there was still no contributions.  Those
> individuals are basically stating that since there name was on the
> proposal,
> that is enough to get the commit rights.
> Basically, Jason and the other mentors thought the initial commiters
> should
> actually be those who contribute/commit stuff.   Those who don't meet
> that
> barrier haven't earned the commit rights, so why should they have commit
> rights?

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194   F:781-902-8001

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