On 28 Aug 06, at 11:44 AM 28 Aug 06, Leo Simons wrote:
On Sun, Aug 27, 2006 at 12:44:58PM -0400, Jason van Zyl wrote:
There was discussion that incubator repository would not be sync'd to
the central repository but I don't really see much point in this. A
few folks with incubating projects have voiced concerns that they
don't want to see their projects be taken out of circulation in the
central repository because they are incubating. If each and every
incubating project has a version for each artifact like that above
then it will be fairly clear that it's from the incubator. Moreso
then if you just had a repository definition pointing at the
incubator repository.
Also someone may make an repository request to place an incubator
artifact in the central repository and at this point a policy
mandated here would conflict with someone's right to redistribute
artifacts created in the incubator. I don't really want to get into
the business of policing repository requests. I think it is in the
best interests of the incubating projects to have the incubator
repository sync'd to Maven's central repository. The source of
artifacts for incubating projects is clear from the version so I
don't think there will be any confusion by consumers of these
artifacts and as such I don't really see any downside to allowing the
sync to Maven's central repository.
"central repository" is ibiblio.org right?
Eg not an ASF machine?
I think
its not up to the incubator to dictate policies on what external
should and should not do with our software.
It all comes back to being clear to users and providing a consistent
message, and I think the steps we agreed on here (seperate repo, clear
versioning, incubation notices on website and in readme) are
and I doubt we should go any further than that.
If other ASF projects depend on projects that depend on projects that
depend on incubating projects that are published on the ibiblio
site and
that is not sufficiently clear for users of that project, then that's
not the responsibility of the incubator pmc to fix.
IOW, I don't really want to to get into the business of policing
but the bits we're actually responsible for policing :)
So I'll withold actual thoughts (which would've been along the
lines of
"centralized storage is so 1990s") ;)
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Jason van Zyl
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