On 30 Aug 06, at 7:53 PM 30 Aug 06, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Is it rocket science to add a new repo location in pom.xml? *Any*
maven newbie learns *very* quickly how to add a new repo. Are you
stating that *IF* the artifacts are not in the central repo they won't
find it and won't know how to use it?
As a force of habit most Maven users, particularly those coming from
Maven 1.x, assume all open source artifacts are in the central
repository. And in most cases for Maven 2.x all artifact required are
placed in the central repository.
It would be an unnecessary inconvenience. If the goal is to raise
awareness that it is from the incubator then it can be done with the
version. It could even be
1.0-apache-incubator-foo (1)
As I think that would be preferable to users and that is abundantly
clear I think.
The least anyone will need to
know is the artifact id and version id and they find this when they
browse a project's pages, are you stating that a user will never look
at anyone's web site or download area and will *ONLY* look at ibiblio
repo and decide to use a project?
The whole point of Maven is to make this easy for users and not have
to look at a project's site. Maven users expect what they need to be
in the central repository as shown by the many threads when users go
to use Sun JARs and we don't have them in the central repository.
If they do indeed look, isn't it
trivial to add instructions on adding info on how to add the
incubation repo? Where's the problem?
A lot of times people actually go to the central repository to find
the artifact's groupId and artifactId. They don't go to project
websites, they go to the authority which is the central repository.
If the goal here is user awareness then I think using an version like
(1) supports this end to a great extent while being more convenient
for the average Maven user.
-- dims
On 8/30/06, Jason van Zyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 30 Aug 06, at 1:48 PM 30 Aug 06, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On 8/30/06, Dan Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> policy, so I see those as in conflict right now. So I want to
know on
>> what grounds the incubator can prevent me from requesting that
>> incubating jars from being uploaded to ibiblio.
> Common decency? If we (as the project owners) ask those
artifacts not
> to be posted, then they shouldn't be posted as a matter of
It just means that we have to start watching for requests coming from
users to put artifacts in the repository. Effectively you are asking
us to deny the terms of redistribution stated in our license are you
We could watch for requests going into Ibiblio, but we can't prevent
someone else from putting in a repository that they might use.
What is going to happen is that people are going to want to use these
artifacts and they will want to rsync Ibiblio, which many people do,
and then attempt to rsync the incubator repository. We are just
going to try and circumvent a path that we cannot fully block off.
I don't see what is not clear with *every* incubator artifact being
marked with a version that has "incubator" in it. Plus the reports
that can be generated give a clear view to users what they are
I read this:
and to be frank (4) is somewhat paradoxical to me. You want an
incubator project to thrive, and grow while we are tacitly, yet
actively, discouraging their use? I think we should let people use
their common sense to protect themselves.
What is being envisioned here as the worst case scenario of using an
incubator artifact for a failed incubator project? The mail says
protect the user, but from what?
I'm not going to discourage the use of a project I'm mentoring and
fully support. I'm going to get everyone on the planet I can to use
it as fast and as widely as possible.
> -- justin
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