You mean like this:

On 8/16/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jan Blok wrote:
> Hi,
> What could be the problem of any real-time communication medium usage
> between some community members as long as every one agrees code and
> design decisions are made on the mailing list?

Because the reality is that decisions are made on IRC, implicitly.  It's
hard to engage in an argument that already happened, especially when the
discussion was very conversational rather than formal :

A: what do you think?
B: Well, like you said before...
A : about the contstructor
B : no, the other thing
A : related to using =?
B : right that it..  it would be better if that was done as Jim

versus the more formal statements people make in email

"I'm beginning to agree that ensuring that re-serializing the Properties
preserves the original delimiter ("=" in Jim's example) that was used in
the original file."


> Regards Jan Blok
> Jim Jagielski wrote:
>> I think one way of looking at this is simply remembering that
>> the ASF values community over code. Yes, IRC and other
>> real-time communication methods means "quicker" code
>> development, etc, but it places, IMO, an undue barrier
>> to the development of the community.
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