William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Carl Trieloff wrote:
I think this is one of the options we can look at to have any member of
the project provide feedback to the spec working group - however it seems
presumptuous to use the ASL or work out details like this before we are
accepted in incubator.
Well the ASL is the binding license of ASF work, so if that's a presumpesuesume
assertion, perhaps this project belongs elsewhere?
The code is already under ASL, no issues with that. comment was to spec
feedback, sorry if that
was not clear.
Oh - to the first half of your statement, I don't think it's a bad idea to
filter the suggestions through a few key mentors who can track proposals
through the spec committee. The bottom line is that the fruits of these
ideas come from an ASL licensed code base by 'some member' who contributed
to the implementation. So ... it's very important to know that dev@ spec
discussion will be usable by the spec committee when pushed that direction
by the spec liasons, from the ASF or any participating company.
That's not necessarily something to postpone until incubation; from the day
the dev@ list is created, you will begin to collect ideas on the dev@ list.
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