> synapse
>   http://incubator.apache.org/synapse/download.cgi
> is being mirrored.

Incubator code should not be on www.apache.org/dist.  Only official ASF
releases are permitted to be there.  Our stuff should be under

Remember: we're not trying to make Incubator code *too* widely available.
Only very committed users should be touching it at all.

> > could we put the incubating projects's m2 releases in the current m2
> > repository (afterall the versions of the jars have 'incubator' in
> > their name to clearly mark them?

We do not want to intermix the code at all.  The Incubator is a firewall
between ASF and Incubator code.  And if people don't start respecting that,
we may find that the voices asking to push the Incubator to an entirely
separate domain win out, which I would consider a bad thing.

        --- Noel

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