On 8/1/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Brett Porter wrote:
> So the solution that best corresponds to this is an incubation repository.

Maven repositories offer two main benefits:

  1) Access to POMs for automatic artifact metadata like further
dependencies etc.
  2) Access to the actual code artifacts for automatic download

I don't see how putting artifacts in a repository designed and used
for automatic download could prevent those artifacts from being
automatically downloaded!

Wouldn't the requirement of no automatic downloads be better solved by
a policy that incubating projects may only publish POMs and not the
code artifacts in Maven repositories? This way Maven would still be
able to do the magic it does, while prompting the user with
instructions on where and how to download any incubating dependencies.

> Note that in the case that a project external to the ASF decides to
> use these details and publish a release based on it, it is entirely
> possible that they can, and a user of that project will not have to
> specify these details because of the transitive nature of Maven's
> dependencies.

Explain, please.  The user won't have to do what and why?  Won't the user
have to at least add the Incubator repository to their list, even if after
doing so they may get other Incubator artifacts other than the one(s)

In addition to the dependencies a project uses, it can also specify
the repositories it uses. In this case the dependency is still
downloaded automatically without user intervention. In my experience
this feature is widely used.


Jukka Zitting

Yukatan - http://yukatan.fi/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software craftsmanship, JCR consulting, and Java development

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