Leo Simons wrote:
> Nice proposal. Seems like a no-brainer. More Dutchies at apache is
> always a good thing ;)
> On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 04:54:15PM +0100, Upayavira wrote:
>> === Versions ===
>> Wicket currently has three versions of their code base, 1.2 (the current
>> release), 1.3 (planned) and 2.0 (unreleased).
>> We would like to keep all three versions on the same infrastructure, and
>> would thus like to bring all three versions over to Apache.
> Doesn't sound like a problem.


>> This would involve the need to be able to make releases of 1.2 and 1.3
>> during incubation, as they have a current user base to serve that is
>> already using the product.
>> The exact manner of producing these releases would need to be clearly
>> understood by the Wicket team before incubation can start.
> I'd suggest they read the documentation then :)

>    http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Releases
> As far as the incubator is concerned, the neccessity to understand and
> follow rules & policies for releases is when a release is made, not
> before incubation starts...

Those were my words. What I was meaning was that the Wicket team need to
be sure that they can do releases before they're likely to be prepared
to join the incubator. Releases must be possible under acceptable terms.
Thanks for the pointer - I'll give that a read now.

>> === Package Naming ===
>> Wicket Java code uses the wicket.* package hierarchy. At this point, we
>> would propose that code in versions 1.2 and 1.3 would switch to ASF
>> servers, but maintain the wicket.* namespace, but code in 2.0 would
>> switch to an org.apache.wicket.* namespace.
> No issue there.
> --
>>  * Chris Turner is from the UK and works as an independent consultant.
>> He does not intend to move with us to Apache.
> What does that mean? Does he not think wicket should move to apache? Does
> he not want to sign a CLA? Is there consensus within wicket on this move
> or isn't there?

A previous committer, not involved now, but would be prepared to sign a
CLA if it helped Wicket.

Regards, Upayavira

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