Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:
In general, you should not have to ask what someone who's already an ASF
committer what his/her interest is in joining an incubator project. In
this particular case isn't the relationship/interest abundantly clear?
In the php project (which is strikingly similar in some respects to the very
early phases of any new incubating asf project) - one submits a commit access
request through their form. Which, cleverly enough, lists 12 checkbox reasons
they are requesting commit and denies them all :)
But, the point is - they must type in their reason-for-requesting-commit access.
I believe that any request to join the initial committers with an introductory
"Hello, I'm an httpd developer/committer, and I'd be interesting in joining the
Lokahi project because I'm interested in GUI solutions to configuring httpd
servers, and would like to help maintain the project's list of configuration
directives" or something like that is always appropriate from everyone who
wants to join a new incubation effort.
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