On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 13:53 -0400, Carl Trieloff wrote:
> Sanjiva,
> List is fine / no issues there - and I know anyone can join the project
>  once accepted if they show contribution and understanding of the
>  project. I have however been lead to believe that it is fine to
>  discuss where people want to contribute and am interested in
>  discussing each other's goals before adding someone as an initial
>  committer in this phase, and would generally prefer to let the normal
>  meritocratic process carry itself out as soon as the project gets
>  started.
> I have also seen posts like this,
> See : 
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/200607.mbox/[EMAIL 
> Please could you comment, as I would like to better understand what the
>  right way of doing things are in this phase.

Carl, my apologies. Apparently even insiders like me have apparently no
[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ clue as to what the "right" way one is spsed to do something 
the ASF is. I can only imagine how a new person must feel about the way
we do things here.


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