Hi all,
As users of AsyncWeb in our Restlet project (http://www.restlet.org), we
are interested in seeing it join the ASF and consolidating its efforts
with both MINA and HttpComponents NIO.
We have a Restlet API that we are planning to submit to the JCP next
year and that is a RESTful alternative to the Servlet API. In particular
it has full provision for asynchronous calls, client-side and
server-side applications, and NIO-based representations (via an
org.restlet.data.Representation interface that can expose the same
content as either BIO streams or NIO channels).
Currently, we provide several HTTP server connectors derived from the
following projects: Jetty 5, Jetty 6, AsyncWeb 0.8 and Simple framework 3.1.
We have also considered the development of a custom HTTP server
connector that would be directly based on MINA and optimized for our
Restlet API: preventing any conversion from, for example, AsyncWeb HTTP
request/response objects to Restlet call objects.
So, we are interested in contributing to the AsyncWeb and MINA
consolidation efforts, and in having even more common ground with those
projects than today.
peter royal wrote :
I have been talking with Dave Irving who is the principal developer
behind AsyncWeb, <http://asyncweb.safehaus.org>, an HTTP engine built
upon MINA <http://directory.apache.org/subprojects/mina/>, on bringing
the project to the ASF.
I've started a proposal at
<http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/AsyncWebProposal>, assistance from
others would be appreciated in helping flesh it out.
I think this would be a good addition to the ASF, as there are many
projects that can benefit from a Java-based non-blocking HTTP server,
and I would also like to see some collaboration with the HttpComponents
project on their HttpNIO efforts.
Jerome Louvel
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