robert burrell donkin wrote:
On 6/30/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One thing that bothers me is that there is a very small handful of ASF
(committers and members) participating in standards efforts.
perhaps one way to reduce the friction would be for somene to add a FAQ
somewhere in the apache documentation about the right way to go about this.
Better yet, to explain in in general with some
pages on related implementations of RFC's, JSR's etc etc ad nasum. If each
body, JSCs, IATA wgs, W3C wgs each were given a page with 'standards
implemented by project', and 'standards reference implementations', and finally
several paragraphs with pointers to the relevant information about participating
in that standards body, that would really rock.
And I have two days of my life free between now and September :( But I'd sure
try to accomplish the draft IETF page and get the right people to write the
right descriptions and provide FAQ pointers, while I'd work to collect what the
relation of IETF standards are to our projects. Once that's done, that's about
all I can commit to.
But if others would jump on the relevant W3C and JSR pages and begin collecting
that in a 'big way' on our foundation site, this could be very interesting and
informative for our contributor and user communities.
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