On 30.06.2006, at 15:22, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

robert burrell donkin wrote:
On 6/30/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One thing that bothers me is that there is a very small handful of ASF
(committers and members) participating in standards efforts.
perhaps one way to reduce the friction would be for somene to add a FAQ somewhere in the apache documentation about the right way to go about this.

Better yet, www.apache.org/standards.html to explain in in general with some
pages on related implementations of RFC's, JSR's etc etc ad nasum.

How about http://projects.apache.org/indexes/standards.html ?

This is manangeable by every projects itself through their respective DOAP file(s)...


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