I wonder if Jakarta would be willing to mange the specs. When I think of Java at Apache, I think of Jakarta so it seems like a natural place to keep specs. Also Jakarta has experience dealing with lots of small code bases.

just an idea...


On Jun 7, 2006, at 9:08 AM, James Strachan wrote:

Agreed - I think a shared java spec project makes sense where we can
unify stuff across all projects like jaxb, geronimo-spec, harmony,
servicemix (we've got the JBI API) into one place.

On 6/7/06, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There was a thread about a java spec central repository back in december.
I wish it exists as it would be the best location...

Guillaume Nodet

Jochen Wiedmann wrote:

> Hi,
> this is possibly OT, so I apologize in advance. A while ago there has > been a discussion around a separate project for specifications on this > list, which grew into nothing. Currently I am on the way to publish a > clean room implementation of the JAXB 2.0 API. There are no IP issues: > It is based on the jaxme-api (clean room JAXB 1.0 API), written by me,
> an existing committer and, as of yet, unpublished.
> However, the question arises: What would be a possible target project? > I could imagine geronimo-specs (the API will be a part of J2EE 1.5), > harmony (the API will be a part of a future J2SE release), ws commons,
> or again JaxMe.
> Jochen

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