On Jun 2, 2006, at 9:06 AM, Leo Simons wrote:
(this is a rant and the beginnings of a proposal which has nothing
to do
in particular with James, ActiveMQ, or its release)
On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 01:11:35PM +0100, James Strachan wrote:
In accordance with the incubator release procedure (see below) the
ActiveMQ community has voted on and approved the 4.0 release binary.
We would now like to request the permission of the Incubator PMC to
perform the release.
Everytime I read something like this I get terribly annoyed. People
doing stuff, trying to comply with all kinds of policies, and then
of self-governing they have to go ask permission. Its wrong.
Permission is
something kids ask their parents for. When you need to ask for it,
not self-governing. If we're to have self-governing communities we
need to
have them be like that while incubating. Self-governance is grown, not
"bolted on" after graduation.
Think of the Incubator as sort of a permanent "member" of the PPMC.
In any case, it's the release and distribution of s/w which
is the most legally significant (well... *one* of them)
thing the ASF does. As such, s/w release must have
adequate oversight... Since Incubated projects ride that
fence of being ASF projects but "not completely" it really
requires that the Incubator PMC agree to such releases.
No expects that upon graduation, somehow the project
is instantly granted the ability for self-governance.
Instead, when they reach that stage where they are
actively able to self-govern, and are really doing
it, then they are ready to graduate.
Think of them as baby birds in a nest: we don't kick them out
and then expect them to fly. They leave the nest *when*
they learn to fly :)
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