On Jul 2, 2005, at 1:44 PM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
I don't like the idea of discussions about people's merit (or the people
themselves, for that matter) happening in public right in their faces.

That doesn't happen -- discussion takes place in private before
the vote even starts, just like it did in the old Apache Group.

For one thing, people have a tendency to be less candid; for another
there's no anonymity to the vote; and finally (and most important) I
think it's unfair to the individual in question, who will get all anxious
and wound up as the voting proceeds.  'Will I make it?'  'What's *his*
problem?' and other such distractions from coding.

Again, that just doesn't happen.  If there are objections, the vote
doesn't occur at all.  What the vote does is three things:

  1) it provides a legally binding, public decision of the project;
  2) it provides group affirmation to the individual;
  3) it makes the entire project feel good, including both long-time
     committers and newbies lurking on the sidelines.

I remembered that from early httpd.  After some of the other projects
described how their voting actually works, I applied it to Jackrabbit
and, sure enough, it has the desired effect without exposing the
prior private discussions.  The only problem we've had is keeping the
separate Incubator PMC in the loop.


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