On Jul 6, 2005, at 3:42 AM, Ted Husted wrote:

IMHO, the idea of discussing the vote on the PMC list and then having
the vote on the dev@ list sounds better on paper than in practice. In
practice, the discussion becomes the vote, and creating a second
thread on the DEV list is just going through the motions.

Some times it is better for the public to see us "go through the
motions", and thereby get a handle on how we make decisions.
In particular, I believe that the public vote provides benefits
when people have to earn status as a committer.  I don't see it
as useful when commit access is handed out like candy.

Perhaps we could change it to private votes and a slightly more
formal process for the announcement (along with a suggestion that
the existing committers congratulate the newbie in public)?

While transparency is good, honesty is better. When we start another
thread on dev@, we create the illusion that the decision is being made
on [EMAIL PROTECTED] In practice, the decision has already been made. The PMC 
discussed the candidate, and the candidate should have been contacted.
(Yes, some candidates do decline!)

While the PMC list is not public, it is archived, and the record is
available to anyone who really needs to know, like root or the board.
A pmc@ vote is every bit as legal and binding as a dev@ vote.

Only if the PMC is allowed to make decisions in private.  That was
certainly not the case when I wrote the httpd guidelines, though
I see that got lost in more recent edits.  I think that forbidding
a project from making official decisions in private has benefits
far beyond either form of committer votes.

Right now I see this process as a mixed bag that is made much
harder by the disjoint between the incubator PMC and the incubated
projects' private lists.  I wonder what would happen if we made
a single "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" list for all the podlings instead
of the separate ppmc lists?


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