Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Actually, I agree with you, and others have expressed the same concern, although without casting a vote. Adding new Committers is probably the #1 issue facing the Derby project, which has otherwise performed excellently to date. As even Jeremy pointed out, were IBM to withdraw (however unlikely) from Derby, it would be a serious blow.

I also pointed out that there is a scale of impact. Derby is not alone in this; picking on no-one in particular, Logging would also be impacted if Ceki withdrew. Likelihood and community reaction are factors that should be considered.

I have great respect for everyone involved in the Derby project, but I don't
believe that special consideration should be given.  That is a slipperly
slope, which would cause other projects to either ask for the same special
consideration or cry foul about favoritism.

I don't believe Derby is seeking, or even wants, special consideration - just a realistic evaluation of the situation.


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