El mar, 19-10-2004 a las 19:28 -0700, Cliff Schmidt escribiÃ:

> Cliff Schmidt wrote on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:23 PM:
> > I gave a 45-minute presentation on Apache and the Incubator at
> > the O'Reilly Open Source Convention last July.  If it's any use,
> > you can download the slides at:
> > http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2004/view/e_sess/5439
> > (.ppt format -- if there's any interest I can convert to html
> > or .pdf).
> > 

No problem, OpenOffice.org opens .ppt better and faster than Powerpoint
for OO.o version > 1.1.1 :-P

I cc: press@ as we were preparing a set of Slide shows (with the recent
Beehive press round), and this one is usable (and translatable if the
translator assumes responsibility on any error there) because it is ASL
2.0 NTW, I promised to translate them to Spanish, have them half way,
but never committed because I'm not sure of which Repo or format we're

This material is again great for global presentations of ASF "entry
points" and interfaces. 

Santiago Gala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
High Sierra Technology, SLU

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