El lun, 18-10-2004 a las 11:08 +0200, Stephen McConnell escribiÃ:
> FUD?

Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. What he started to sew, maybe unwillingly
and you're trying to scrap benefits from now.

> Seems to me that he's talking about a very real dark-side of the
> ASF.  

Facts? I would like to see something substantial.

> You know - the side of Apache where certain individuals enjoy playing
> with private lists, protected themselves while at same time spreading
> lies, slander, and real fear.  Mix this with the incubator and you
> have
> a recipe for abuse.  Yes - there should be a code of conduct.  Yes -
> everyone should be accountable - including each and every member of
> the
> board.  Will it happen? It seems to me a highly unlikely scenario.

I don't know any of the involved in the discussions around, but I'm
quite sure, from my observer role in several "members-only" lists in the
ASF, that this dark side that you speak about does not exist. And it
would be extremely difficult to have it going secretly in a 130+ members
organization, with very diverse interests.

> Just my 0.02c.
> Cheers, Stephen.

I only have a question that has been puzzling a lot me since this thread
started, and I would like thorsten to answer it:

why was the original message labelled off-topic [OT] ?

Santiago Gala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
High Sierra Technology, SLU

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