Noel, which software do you use to provide this "omnipresent" feature ? :-)
I want it too, does't matter how much it costs.

Well, my proposal has to do with some .Net code, which intends to run on
Windows and Linux (using Mono).
Please folks, don't be .netphobic :-)  Its really a great plataform, if you
forget for a while the evil empire behind it :-(

The project name is something between Realm and Castle. By now, what are
your thoughts?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 8:15 PM
Subject: RE: Where proposal should be sent?

> Some times it is quiet.  :-)
> You can let people know here what you have in mind.  Alternatively, if
> are projects within the ASF that would align nicely with your proposal,
> could start looking for support.  Or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  At one point or another,
> we like to see interest from within the ASF for the proposed project.

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