Matt Liotta Montara Software, Inc.
On Jan 4, 2004, at 11:03 PM, Matt Liotta wrote:
From reading this list's archives it looks like I missed a couple of messages, so I have decided to join the list in the interim. Anyway, based on the responses I have decided to go ahead and release the code on Sourceforge under the Apache License. You can find the project at The project consists of two modules, JXWB and WWE. JXWB is meant to be a web browser written in Java. Currently, it is nothing more than a very bad test harness for WWE. WWE is the HTML editor pane and kit initially discussed in this thread. Both modules are committed to CVS as Eclipse projects that should have no problems building. Additionally, I have created two JARs jxwb.jar and wwe.jar, which contain both the source code and the compiled class files for each respective module.
I felt like I really needed to get the code out for this group's review, but I must admit it was a bit of a rush job on my part. For reasons I won't get into, we needed to release the source code using a different namespace from that of our commercial version. As such, I had to change all the package references as well as add licensing information to the source code files. It is entirely possible that I might have missed some files and/or made mistakes that will be only found at runtime. I fully expect to be able to make an additional release fixing any issues should some arise as well as provide documentation for the code base. I'm not sure what the documentation will consist of since unfortunately while our HTML editor implementation was decoupled from our commercial use of it; the documentation was not. I actually never even considered coupling to be a concern for documentation; whoops. ;) I would like to provide documentation on all known issues with the HTML and CSS implementation as well as the design documents for the actual implementation.
Matt Liotta Montara Software, Inc.
On Dec 28, 2003, at 6:40 PM, Leo Simons wrote:
Hi Matt,
Matt Liotta wrote: > Nicola wrote:
+1 (which means "me too" in this context :D)I am personally very interested in this, having worked on a similar project. In any case, it's a very interesting thing for Java in general to have such a component opensourced. Because of this, I will see to do all I can to help you.
Indeed, the proposal doesn't seem to be inline with the document in two ways. First, there is no active development community for it. Second, while the project was originally commercial in nature, we are no longer doing development on it as it currently suits our needs. That is not to say that we won't do bug fixes and other maintenance to it, but we just don't have any active development happening on it anymore.
I suggest you create a zip file/tarball with all the source code,
the apache license in it (and as the header for all the sourcefiles)[1], and
post this somewhere on your company website (don't need to publish
the link). Next, we set up a sourceforge project, or better yet, just use
an existing project there where the code fits (like
and have Nicola put the code up there.
We'll make a little noise around the OSS java community, see if this
attracts some interest, if it has the potential of becoming a real project.
If so, we'll start incubation.
Why not start incubation immediately? IMHO, we need to get a feel for the code and the people involved with the code first.
- Leo Simons
[1] -
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