Aaron Bannert wrote:
> Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> > Incubator PMC members not engaged in active discussion and development
> > on a project are on the project PPMC in quality of observers. They
> > should refrain from voting on PPMC decisions unless really necessary,

> I don't agree that Incubator PMC members should only be second-class
> PPMCers. If an Incubator PMC member wishes to volunteer their time
> to participate as a seed PMC member on the new PPMC, then they should
> be a first-class member.

I concur.  The "old ways" of legislating behavior die hard.  We don't need
them.  Pardon me for quoting myself from another list:

  "You are a PMC Member, which means that you have been elected
   to provide oversight.  Can't I trust you to ask for advice/
   consent when you feel it is needed?  How many rules must we
   create to legislate trust, respect and collaboration?


   Those few rules that we need are driven by what we require for
   oversight and believe are best for Community Building.  Do you
   know any community of developers that thrives on lots of rules?"

We are creating the PPMC structure.  I think that it is necessary, and quite
possibly sufficient.  Now let us let the structure do its job.  If we have
unforeseen some issue, we can address it when it happens.

> > The status update occurs on the PPMC list. Thus, the notion of
> > reporting to the "main Incubator PMC" is a non-issue, as all
> > Incubator PMC members are also on the PPMC.

> I also disagree with this. The purpose of the report is to present
> a condensed view of the happenings within a project so that others
> can see how things are going.  If they are only posted to the PPMC
> list, then who will be the audience? These reports should be going

The status report is a public document, unless there are private items, of
which you can imagine some few.  Discussion and approval of the status
report can be on the PPMC list.  Let's see how it plays out.

        --- Noel

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