Greg Stein wrote: ...
Just read the first part of the Board resolution which established the

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best interests
of the Foundation and consistent with the Foundation's purpose to
establish a Project Management Committee charged with accepting new
products into the Foundation, providing guidance and support to help
each new product

It says we must help each new product. It seems to me that it talks about each new software artifact, ie each new distribution.

engender their own collaborative community,
    new developers in the philosophy and guidelines for collaborative
    development as defined by the members of the Foundation, and proposing
    to the board the promotion of such products to independent PMC status
once their community has reached maturity.

It does not talk about putting in an existing PMC.

But wait, here is more:

        RESOLVED, that the Apache Incubator PMC is responsible for
        regularly evaluating products under its purview and making the
        determination in each case of whether the product should be
        abandoned, continue to receive guidance and support, or
        proposed to the board for promotion to full project status as
        part of an existing or new Foundation PMC; a

In particular:

"full project status as part of an existing ... PMC"

This seems to mean that also "subprojects" should be incubated, contrary to what is porposed with this vote.

Individual PMCs should be *very* wary about bringing in code to the ASF.
There is a grey area between "a hunk of code" and a new "product" (that
term was used to differentiate between "project" as in PMC). If a PMC
brings in a product without going through the Incubator, then they are not
abiding by the wishes of the Board [defined by the construction of the
Incubator project].

Ok, then the PPMCs should be established also for "subprojects" that will be in an existing PMC.

Question: doesn't this go contrary to wanting 1Project == 1PMC?

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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