> I very much like the government model that the ASF board operates on.
> It does not meddle in PMC decisions.  If the board does not like the way
> some project is operating - it typically has only one rather blunt
> instrument to use: disband the PMC.  This has the nice side benefit as
> it encourages the use of diplomacy over force as typically the only way
> a vote to disband a PMC would pass is if it presented a clear and
> present danger to the ASF.

So has the board ever been pleased with the way the incubator is running

You're on the board Sam, are you still pleased with your decision to support
the incubator?
> - Sam Ruby
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Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI

For Java and Excel, Got POI?

The views expressed in this email are those of the author and are almost
definitely not shared by the Apache Software Foundation, its board or its
general membership.  In fact they probably most definitively disagree with
everything espoused in the above email.

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