Jochen Wiedmann wrote:
> I must admit that it is totally beyond my understanding how one
> can waste so much thoughts on the *possibility* of offending
> someone with something

Welcome to the wonderful world of Political Correctness.  There are plenty
of cases of political correctness that are the antithesis of logical.  That
said, there need not be logic in human affairs.

> Just to express how puzzled I am on this discussion, being an "old"

Here is a primer:

Have fun figuring out it the author is serious, or tongue-in-cheek.

If you want a more academic treatment, try Valerie Scatamburlo's book,
"Soldiers of Misfortune: The New Right's Culture War and the Politics of
Political Correctness"

Personally, I view Political Correctness as being closer to Orwellian
thought control than a sincere attempt to instill appreciation for, and
tolerance of, diversity.

        --- Noel

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