> > I just posted a "new project" form for people to review.  And it seems
> > other messages that Nicola Ken wants to postpone new project adoption
> > he finishes the web site renovation, since that includes the new STATUS
> > form.

> There are a bunch of things that the directory project could be doing to
> things established under Apache.  Is the web-site really a prereq for
> As far as I can see the adminstrative stuff is well in hand and the
> operational are now subject in focus - cvs, lists, etc.

Well, I have asked.  As far as I can see, the only reason why things have
not moved ahead (or I haven't gotten a response) is that Nicola Ken has
asked that projects wait until the new web site is in place, which has the
policies and procedures.

I agree that I would like to get the lists, source control and issue tracker
in place.  That is why I went off and got that form together.  So far I've
had no feedback, but I suspect that people are hip deep in other things.
FWIW, I will be at Software Summit the first week of Nov., so my time will
be limited that (next) week.

        --- Noel

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