"Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 24/09/2003 08:39:08 AM:
[snip] > As a committer on a (hopefully :-) mature Jakarta subproject (Struts), I As a committer on top level and not top level projects: > think there's another dimension here. Can we articulate the advantages > of becoming a TLP in such a way that the idea sells itself? Marketing > is about creating demand, not browbeating or threatening people into > acceptance. Off the top of my head ... advantages include: > > * Your own apache.org website, mailing lists, etc. (although this is more > a marketing/perception issue than a real technical one -- a bookmark > doesn't care if its "foo.apache.org" or "jakarta.apache.org/foo"). This is a vanity/ego issue from what I can tell. I think maven had as many users inside jakarta as out. > * Your own representation to the ASF board. This is probably the > most important single factor, to the extent that you can influence overall > ASF policies more directly. As a member of a top level project, I don't see that I can influence ASF policies any more than if the project was inside Jakarta. This seems to be the realm of ASF members, rather than committers. > * Within the scope of the board resolution that authorized your TLP, > you can create your own sub-projects, to better scale to a larger > population of involved developers. I'm not sure how this is a benefit to the project committers who are interested in writing code. > There are also potential negatives, not the least of which is the amount > of process related work being asked of people who just want to use their > available open source time on code. I really haven't seen this as part of being a TLP. There has been very little 'overhead'. > Overall, I suspect the lack of a stampede towards TLP-hood has more to > do with lack of knowledge of the advantages, or indifference towards > them, and possibly fear that even mature subprojects that want to > graduate will have to undergo the incubation process :-), than it does > anything else. I also feel there's a "don't fix what isn't broken" attitude most of us have. If it works ok now, why change. The issue of Jakarta's lack of oversight doesn't impact on the individual projects. -- dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting Blog: http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/dion/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]