On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 12:29 pm, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

James Strachan wrote, On 11/08/2003 12.31: ...
I'm wondering if it'd be OK to create a directory (say) inside the incubator website tree. e.g.
then I can update this website automatically every day from CVS.

Incubator projects can create their website with any system they like, as long as the overall style is not to difform WRT the style of other Apache sites. In the case of Maven, of course, it's perfectly fine.


The projects, as FTPserver and AltRMI do, should keep the project documentation in their respective CVS space. To publish it, you just need to commit the docs in the incubator-site CVS under the build dir.

Please do not publish the site directly to the server as we use the incubator-site CVS for better oversight. We could change this, of course, but ATM this is the way it's meant to be.

Is there any way around this restriction? Its just so easy to publish automatically. Going the CVS route is much more painful. The website is also quite big; storing every clover report, junit report, javadoc site in CVS seems like an awful waste of disk space.


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