More specifically, with respect to the exit criteria:

    Replacement of LGPL Piccolo parser with Xerces.

I will be creating a late-bound (reflection) relationship with Piccolo which will not 
require Piccolo to be present at compile time (to not break existing functionality).  
In lieu of Piccolo, I will be fetching a SAX parser from 

We have modified Piccolo to return line number information for the start of tokens as 
opposed to the end of the tokens.  Also, there are a number of bug fixes and 
performance enhancements we have applied to Piccolo.

- Eric

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Leung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 3:50 PM
Subject: Proposal for xml-bean exit criteria

Hi folks,

Steven rightly pointed out that we are lacking a firm set of exit 
criteria, so
I'm going to take a stab at it.  I didn't find a set for either Tapestry 
or Lenya, so
I"m just making this up (I did find criteria for entering the incubator, 
If I messed the prior art, I trust some of the incubator folks to set 
the record
straight.   These are just my ideas, feel free to poke holes.  These 
criteria need
to be acceptable to the XMLBeans committers, the XML PMC, and the Incubator

Legal (these should be done before code comes into the incubator, but 
I'm including them for completeness)
   All code ASL'ed
   No non ASL or ASL compatbile dependencies in the code base
   License grant complate
   CLAs on file.

Meritocracy / Community
    Demonstrate an active and diverse development community
    No single organization supplies more than 50% of the active committers
    The above implies that new committers are admitted according to ASF 
    ASF style voting has been adopted and is standard practice
    Demonstrate ability to tolerate and resolve conflict within the 
    Release plans are developed and excuted in public by the community. 
(requriment on minimum number of such releases?)
    Engagement by the XMLbeans community with the XML PMC and other ASF 
sub communities, particularly infrastructure@ (this reflects my personal 
bias that projects should pay an infrastructure "tax").
Alignment / Synergy
    Replacement of LGPL Piccolo parser with Xerces.
    Develop synergistic relationship with JaxMe in WS-Commons, also 
perhaps with Axis.
    Use of any relevant Jakarta subprojects.

    project has a subsite of
    project complies with ASF mirroring guidlines
    project is integrated with Gump
    XMLBeans developers tied into ASF PGP web of trust
    Releases are PGP signed by a member of the community


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