Below is the report I'm submitting to the board... Comments and
other input is 100% welcomed!!

The Apache Incubator Project is having the dubious honor of
"incubating" itself as well as other products.  Regarding the
Incubator Project itself, there are still basic, fundamental
issues that ideally should have been resolved before it started
accepting products/projects.  As such, things do not progress as
smoothly as anticipated.  Nevertheless, the following projects
are being incubated as we speak:

o AltRMI:
A transparent Remote Procedure Call bean.
o FtpServer:
A complete FTP Server based on Avalon principles.
o Tapestry:
A complete framework offering an alternative to JSP & Velocity
scripting environments.
o Lenya:
An Open-Source Content Management and publishing system. It is based
on open standards such as XML and XSLT.

In addition, discussion regarding the inclusion of XMLBeans into
the Incubator is progressing as well. So the good news is that the
Incubator *is* filling a void; the bad news is that we are still
determining the best way to do that. A good summary of some of these
issues was written by Nicola Ken Barozzi to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
in Message-Id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Copies can be provided
as needed.

Finally, I have noted my intention to step down as PMC Chair, for
2 main reasons: First of all, I think that it's in the best interest
in the foundation to not have "the usual people" in various
"management-type" positions. Also, as Chair, I find myself not being
as vocal as usual (or as need be) regarding Incubator issues, mostly
of a concern (unfounded, I'm sure) that coming from the Chair, it
would carry more weight than it should. I have suggested Nicola
as replacement.

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