I have developed a very useful Configuration utility that provides very simple, flexible and powerful functionality for managing one or more configurations in a java environment.

It allows for a combination of a hierarchy of configuration files, substitution variables and property variables. Methods are provided to get values stored in a configuration dictionary with a variety of types (String, array, integer, float, boolean, etc) and default values.

I've used it in several applications and I've had very good feedback from other developers. It solves some very basic problems common to any medium to large size application. I'd like to contribute it to the open source community and see it enhanced. Any suggestions on how to proceed with this would be welcome. (I hope this is the right place to post this. If not, my apologies).

A more complete description follows:

Configuration Object

This Configuration package provides very simple, flexible and powerful functionality for managing one or more configurations in a java environment.


Most projects require configurations for multiple versions of that project. You may have multiple developers connecting to separate database instances, each with their own password. Additionally, multiple production, stage, and training platforms may also need to be supported. Files may reside in one directory on Windows, another directory on Unix.

At the same time, many configuration parameters are unchanged across multiple environments.

Many projects use one or more property files to define configuration parameters. There are many problems inherent in this approach. If you want to have different values depending on your environment you have several choices, none of them good.
1. Modify your configuration files every time you deploy in a new environment.
This is error prone and time consuming, especially if you are building often.
2. Maintain separate copies of configuration files in different locations with the same file name.
This means you can’t have your configuration files in your source control repository since they have the same name. It also means that when you change one, you need to change every version of that file in every location. That is a more difficult task since the files may be in different locations and are not tracked by version control.

3. Maintain separate copies but with different names.
You’ve solved the version control problem, but you still need to change every version when you change one.

When clients install applications remotely, the client is often required to make modifications to the configuration file. Every time they get a new version of the application, they need to refit their local updates. This too is error prone and time consuming.

Often, configuration parameters are stored in property files. But property files are java specific. If the same configuration parameters are needed in a non-java environment, or even scripts used to control a java environment, even more configuration files may be necessary.


What is needed is a hierarchical approach to configuration files. The ninety percent of configuration values that do not change can be maintained in a base file. The other ten percent (or less) may be maintained in their own distinct configuration file. At run time, the files are layered on top of each other to provide a flexible, manageable configuration. For example, in a development environment myhost.config.xml combines with dev.config.xml and base.config.xml to form my unique configuration.

Each configuration file may then be maintained in version control as they have unique names. Only the base files need to be modified when base values change, and it is easy to see the difference between versions. Another major benefit is that changes to the base configuration file will be exhaustively tested before deployment.

Often part of a value may change, but not the entire value. Many values may follow this pattern. For instance, in application X, development files are written to …/dev/files. Support emails go to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with a subject line of “dev error”. In production, files are written to …/prod/files. Support emails go to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with a subject line of “prod error in application X.” The only thing that has really changed is the words “dev” and “prod” There is really only one change here, not three. The use of substitution variables enables us to accomplish this with only one entry.

In the case of applications installed by clients, if the client were to make their modifications to a client configuration that inherited from the base configuration, it would eliminate the need to refit the client modifications when the product is upgraded. It would also be easier to see exactly what changes the client made, making it easier to debug configuration problems.

This configuration object provides many of these solutions. It allows for a combination of a hierarchy of configuration files, substitution variables and property variables. Methods are provided to get values stored in a configuration dictionary with a variety of types (String, array, integer, float, boolean, etc) and default values.

After some initial setup, the end result will be a cleaner, more easily maintainable application.


The class Config implements the public interface for the configuration object. To get a singleton instance of this object, use Config.getInstance(). To get values from the config object, use Config.getInstance().getValue(sectionName, key) Or Config. getInstance().getValue(sectionName, key, defaultValue) If you use a default value and the section/key is not found, the default value will return. If you don't use a default value and the section/key is not found, ConfigException is thrown.

To set Config values, use Config.setConfigurationValue(sectionName, key, newValue);
For the most part, however, config values are set during the initial parsing of one or more ini files.

To show a complete listing of Config values, use Config.getInstance().printConfigurationDictionary()


There are two formats for specifying configurations. One is XML based, the other is standard INI file format.

XML Format


    <section name="locos">
        <entry key="instance" value="development" />

   <section name="Paths">
      <entry key="locosHome" value="d:/[locos{instance}/project/" />
      <entry key="locosExternal" value="d:/external/[locos{instance}/" />

<section name="attachments">
<entry key="attachmentDirectory" value="[paths{locosExternal}attachments/"/>

INI File Format

Section names are in brackets, followed by key/value pairs.

Following is a sample file:




The first section is very straightforward. A call to getValue("project", "instance") returns value "development".


The second value, section Paths, key locosHome, uses the value of project, instance to build its value. So, locosHome resolves to d:/project/development . The next entry, attachmentDirectory, uses the previous entry to build its value. Thus, attachmentDirectory resolves to d:/project/development/attachment.

This comes in very handy when there are many values that have common relative paths or some other value in common. The root value can be changed once without having to change every value.


As shown in the above sample file you can "build" values using substition variables. Substitution variables are in the format: [section{key}


You may also substitute property variables in the format: $xxx$ . You can use this to dynamically build values such as classpaths or file paths based on the settings of your environment.


One of the most useful aspects of this configuration object is the ability to layer multiple configuration files. This can be very helpful as you can maintain one stable base configuration file and make modifications to other config files. The “include” directive instructs the Configuration parser to find the included configuration file. Files are parsed in reverse order. Thus, if a prod config file includes a base config file, the base config is parsed first. The prod config will be parsed next and any duplicate section/key values will overlay those in the base config file.
Note: The ini format has not been upgraded to recognize the include directive.

You can maintain a base configuration file for an application while allowing users to modify a local or site copy. That way, the base configuration file is unchanged and it is easy to see what values are overridden. If you upgrade the base configuration file, local overrides do not need to be re-implemented. Developers could take advantage of this by making their changes to a test configuration file, leaving the base unchanged and making it very obvious as to what is being overridden.


Other syntax rules are "*" for comments and "," for continuation lines (This pertains to ini file format only).


The most used method, getValue, returns its value as a String. getIntegerValue, getFloatValue, getLongValue, and getBooleanValue will return values in the corresponding primitive types.

Additional helper methods are getArrayValue which parses values separated by commas, semicolons, or spaces into a String array.

getValuesStartingWith returns a List of values starting with the specified Key/Value.

See the javadoc for more information.


This configuration package is case insensitive. While values retain their case, the keys to access them will work regardless of case. So, if, the section is "aSection" and the key is aKey", the value may be retrieved using AsEcTiOn, AkEy or any other case pattern. There is a slight performance benefit if you do use the correct case.


Two parameters tell the Configuration package what configuration file to look for and where to find it. These are:
· config.filename
o Specifies the name of the starting configuration file to use.
Default value is <hostname>.config. xml.
- where hostname is the name of the current machine. Please note that the hostname is converted to lower case. This has no effect on Windows but it could on another OS.

· config.location
o The two valid values are “classpath” and “file”. The default value is classpath.
config..location=classpath tells Configuration to look in the classpath for the configuration file.

config..location=file tells Configuration to look in the file system for the configuration file.

Startup Examples:
1.      Process Config file prod.config.xml in the file system.

· java Dconfig.file=c:/project/xyz/prod.config.xml Dconfig.location=file com.domain.StartServer

2. Process Config file prod.config.xml in the classpath. Note that these two are the same as classpath is the defaulf config.location.

· java Dconfig.file=prod.config.xml Dconfig.location=classpath com.domain.StartServer
· java Dconfig.file=prod.config.xml com.domain.StartServer

3. Process Config file hostname.config.xml in the classpath, assuming we are running on host named prodserver. Note that these three are the same as classpath is the defaulf config.location and prodserver..config.xml is the default config.file on host prodserver

· java Dconfig.file=prodserver..config.xml Dconfig.location=classpath com.domain.StartServer
· java Dconfig.file=prodserver.config.xml com.domain.StartServer
· java com.domain.StartServer


The first time the Configuration object is invoked it lazily initializes the configuration files and builds the configuration dictionary. Subsequent calls retrieve values from the dictionary. It would be wise to make a call in your startup for better control. Simply add the line:
to invoke initialization.


To reprocess Configuration on a running system, call Config.getInstance().reprocessConfig().

If you have made changes to your configuration files, these changes will be reflected in the current running configuration. You may want to use a jsp to invoke this call. Examples are available.

Classes implement the ConfigListener interface to detect when configuration changes have been made via reprocessConfig(). For example, your code may have Scheduler object that initializes its schedule parameters using Configuration. However, if you wish to have the flexibility to change these parameters, you may have your Scheduler implement ConfigListener. Then when you change the parameters in your configuration file and run reprocessConfig(), the Scheduler will know to reprocess its schedule parameters.

In another case, you may have a Thread that makes a call to Configuration to determine how long to sleep. If it calls once at startup and caches that value, it will need to implement ConfigListener to know if the value has changed. If it calls Configuration on each iteration, there would be no need to implement ConfigListener as it will get the changed value on the subsequent invocation.


There is a perl implementation of this configuration functionality. This allows us to write perl scripts to start, stop, or otherwise control a java environment using many of the same configuration values.

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