Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:

Paul Hammant wrote, On 21/02/2003 8.16:

Michael, Folks,

Dear Incubator List [...]

My take (not being on the incubator PMC) is that I'd like to see the code. I want to see how componentized it is - I might like to use some of the comps outside of Lenya or outside of Cocoon itself - I'm always excited by products that have internal comps for built reuse outside the product.

Yes, I've told them some time ago that we would have liked to see synergies with current Apache projects, and spinoffs of parts of it that can stand on their own. I also proposed some to see what they thought of it.

Well, I've had a *very* promising response, so I'm sure that they will actively help to make this happen :-)

yeah, we definitely want to leverage and use synergies with other Apache projects, because we learned
our lesson with respect to the "not invented here syndrome".

With regard to that, maybe some of you would like to attend the first OSCOM sprint event at Zurich:



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