Nicola, Folks,

Here's the latest from RSA -


--- Nicola Ken Barozzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Davanum Srinivas wrote, On 17/02/2003 16.23:
> > Incubator Folks,
> > 
> > We (PMC@WS) had a VOTE for accepting OpenSAML as part of Web Services project. 
>Here are the
> > results.
> > 
> > +1 from 12 members. Zero -1 or -0 or +0 votes.
> Excellent.
> > What should we do next. Please advise.
> The only thing that I'd want to nail down is the license issue.
> Below is what seems the last mail on this subject on this list.
> Reading that, I tend to think that the incubator, at this point, is 
> capable of taking a formal position on this matter, and we should 
> probably ask the board.
> What do other incubator PMCers think of it?
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: RE: Revised OpenSAML proposal
> Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 16:23:33 -0500
> From: Scott Cantor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: The Ohio State University
>  > > "A" license? What does this mean, that Apache has a license but all
>  > > users of it need to ask for one too?  %-|
>  >
>  > i think you'd need to ask an IPR lawyer this.
> The RSA position up to this point is that vendors of toolkits not only 
> need to get a license, but also notify their customers that
> they must acquire one. So Apache gets one to distribute this code, and 
> then provides the notice to users.
> The *rumor* is that they may be changing their mind about this special 
> toolkit case, but that's not anything more than rumor.
> The fundamental issue is that there is *no* license to get yet. It 
> doesn't exist, the process doesn't exist, etc. We've been
> distributing code, Sun has shipping products, RSA and Phaos and others 
> have toolkits, etc.
> So there just isn't much ground to stand on yet.
>  > maybe someone at the ASF needs to approach RSA officially and
>  > find out what their position is.
> Many others are already doing this within the SSTC, and we will 
> communicate that we're getting even more anxious on the call next
> week.
> -- Scott
> -- 
> Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              - verba volant, scripta manent -
>     (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)
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