

Even Rouault via gdal-dev <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org> ezt írta (időpont:
2025. márc. 12., Sze, 14:16):

> Hi,
> Seth Girvin (https://github.com/geographika) and Harrissou Sant-anna
> (DelazJ) are interested in contributing improvements to the GDAL
> documentation, one of the most recurring item where enhancements are
> wished from the feedback we got through the User Survey last November.
> Both have experience on documentation of open source geospatial software
> (respectively on Mapserver for Seth and QGIS for Harrissou) and are
> excited to bring it to GDAL. This is understood this will be a small
> part time activity for both of them. Dan Baston has kindly agreed to
> supervise their work, regarding initial setup, review of pull requests
> and filing in documentation tickets for planned tasks in the issue
> tracker. We will also welcome Seth and Harrissou inputs.
> A non-exhaustive list of the potential different activities is:
> - Adding more examples to existing documentation (typically for command
> line utilities)
> - Systematic addition of docstrings for Python API
> - Adding tutorial-like material (with graphics when appropriate),
> illustrating workflows that can combine several tools to produce a
> desired outcome
> - Adding a user-focused, example-driven introduction to the project on
> gdal.org and github.com/OSGeo/GDAL, ala README of
> https://github.com/qgis/qgis
> - Harmonization of presentation of existing documentation / making it
> more easy to find content
> - Hierarchisation of content in existing documentation. For popular
> tools or drivers, it could probably be interesting to have "basic" and
> "advanced" sections (typically for the GeoTIFF page that could/should
> probably be split)
> Motion: approve use of up to 25,000 euros for Seth Girvin and up to
> 25,000 euros for Harrissous Sant-anna from the GDAL Sponsorship Program,
> for the period April 1st 2025 - March 31st 2026, on documentation
> enhancements for GDAL.
> Starting with my +1,
> Even
> --
> http://www.spatialys.com
> My software is free, but my time generally not.
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