
-Jukka Rahkonen-

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: gdal-dev <gdal-dev-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> Puolesta Even Rouault 
via gdal-dev
Lähetetty: keskiviikko 12. maaliskuuta 2025 15.16
Vastaanottaja: gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org
Kopio: Seth G <sgir...@geographika.co.uk>; Delaz J <del...@gmail.com>
Aihe: [gdal-dev] Motion: approve use of GDAL Sponsorship Program funds for 2 
documentation contributors


Seth Girvin (https://github.com/geographika) and Harrissou Sant-anna
(DelazJ) are interested in contributing improvements to the GDAL documentation, 
one of the most recurring item where enhancements are wished from the feedback 
we got through the User Survey last November.
Both have experience on documentation of open source geospatial software 
(respectively on Mapserver for Seth and QGIS for Harrissou) and are excited to 
bring it to GDAL. This is understood this will be a small part time activity 
for both of them. Dan Baston has kindly agreed to supervise their work, 
regarding initial setup, review of pull requests and filing in documentation 
tickets for planned tasks in the issue tracker. We will also welcome Seth and 
Harrissou inputs.

A non-exhaustive list of the potential different activities is:

- Adding more examples to existing documentation (typically for command line 
- Systematic addition of docstrings for Python API
- Adding tutorial-like material (with graphics when appropriate), illustrating 
workflows that can combine several tools to produce a desired outcome
- Adding a user-focused, example-driven introduction to the project on gdal.org 
and github.com/OSGeo/GDAL, ala README of
- Harmonization of presentation of existing documentation / making it more easy 
to find content
- Hierarchisation of content in existing documentation. For popular tools or 
drivers, it could probably be interesting to have "basic" and "advanced" 
sections (typically for the GeoTIFF page that could/should probably be split)

Motion: approve use of up to 25,000 euros for Seth Girvin and up to
25,000 euros for Harrissous Sant-anna from the GDAL Sponsorship Program, for 
the period April 1st 2025 - March 31st 2026, on documentation enhancements for 

Starting with my +1,


My software is free, but my time generally not.

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