Hi all, A little off topic for GDAL as I'm not suggesting GDAL needs a driver for this.
Does anyone know of tools other than McIDAS-X / McIDAS-V for reading older NOAA GOES 08-15 data as described in the McIDAS Programmer's Manual <https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/mcidas/doc/prog_man/2003print/progman2003-formats.html> as AREAnnnn - Area (image) files? e.g. the files here: https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/noaa-goes-legacy One example file: wget https://storage.googleapis.com/noaa-goes-legacy/goes11/2010/008/goes11.2010.008.004514.BAND_04 strings goes11.2010.008.004514.BAND_04 | egrep -i '[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]' RT GVAR GVARRAW GVAR100J MORERAVG MORERAVG MORERAVG MORERAVG 16154 202023 IMGCOPY DELIVERY/IN2393848603.1 DELIVERY/AR2393848603.4 LINELE=2557 10065 I PLACE=ULEFT BAND=4 DOC=YES MAG=-1 -1 SIZE=982 2853 https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_modules/PIL/McIdasImagePlugin.html might be a start but it doesn't look to readthe associated meta data so I haven't even tried running it. Thanks! -Kurt
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