Hi there,

In our application, we integrate GDAL (3.8.4 with proj 9.4.0) in order to deals 
with geographic projections and data loading.
To improve loading & processing time we use multithreading.
Until now everything was right, but we start dealing with dataset expressed on 
EPSG:28992 (Amersfoort / RD New -- Netherlands - Holland - Dutch).
Then our application starts to crash. After some investigations, it appears 
that PROJ is modifying the pipeline used to perform transformation.
(Into pipeline, some pop operation)

We use OGRCoordinateTransformation into a wrapper, each Transformation object 
is unique throught the whole application (I.E. one object to convert EPSG:4326 
to EPSG:28992).
For now this implementation works wells (At least for UTM / Lambert / 
WorldMercator, maybe anothers) but for this particular one don't.

Did we miss something ? Should we have a threadlocal based implementation on 
OGRCoordinateTransformation object ?

Thanks !

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