On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 9:38 PM Alexander Zaitsev <zamazan...@tut.by> wrote:
> Hello.
> We are using GCC for our C++ projects. Our projects are huge, commit
> rate is quite huge, so our CI workers are always busy (so as any other
> CI workers, honestly). Since we want to increase build speed, one of the
> option is to optimize the compiler itself. Sounds like a good case for PGO.
> Clang has the infrastructure for building the Clang itself with PGO:
> https://llvm.org/docs/HowToBuildWithPGO.html . I have tried to find
> something like that for GCC but with no success.
> My proposal is:
>   * add support for building PGO-optimized GCC into the GCC build
>     infrastructure
>   * add documentation to the GCC site, how to build GCC with PGO
>     optimizations

It is already there, see the last section of
https://gcc.gnu.org/install/build.html (Building with profile
feedback).  It has been included in GCC and documented since June
https://gcc.gnu.org/r0-50361-g8f231b5d874dcb .

>   * (if GCC community provides prebuilt gcc binaries) use PGO for the
>     prebuilt binaries. E.g. Clang and rustc already uses this approach.

GCC community does not provide prebuilt gcc binaries for a few
different reasons.
But distros do provide more recent prebuilt binaries, you could ask
them to build using PGO (some do already I think).

Andrew Pinski

> Any feedback is appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!
> --
> Best regards,
> Alexander Zaitsev

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