On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 13:23, Gaius Mulley via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
> Just wondering what is the safest way to delete a user branch?
> [I used ./contrib/git-add-user-branch.sh and wanted to start over
>  (user branch for m2 and gcc12)],

When you say start over, do you mean reuse the same branch name for a
different branch with unrelated history, but using the same name?

If yes, you can just force push the new history to the branch. That's
the simplest answer.

If you really want to delete the branch, then you just say:

git push --dry-run --delete REMOTE BRANCH
and if that looks right, remove the --dry-run option.

The REMOTE will be something like users/gaius and BRANCH will be
something like refs/users/gaius/heads/m2gcc12 depending on how you set
up your local user branches.

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