On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 2:11 PM Vineet Gupta <vine...@rivosinc.com> wrote:

> Hi Hans,
> On 10/13/22 13:54, Hans Boehm wrote:
> The generated code here is correct in both cases. In the RISC--V case, I
> believe it is conservative, at a minimum, in that atomics should not imply
> IO ordering. We had an earlier discussion, which seemed to have consensus
> in favor of that opinion. I believe clang does not enforce IO ordering.
> You can think of a "sequentially consistent" load roughly as enforcing two
> properties:
> 1) It behaves as an "acquire" load. Later (in program order) memory
> operations do not advance past it. This is implicit for x86. It requires
> the trailing fence on RISC-V, which could probably be weakened to r,rw.
> Acq implies later things won't leak out, but prior things could still
> leak-in, meaning prior write could happen after load which contradicts what
> user is asking by load(seq_cst) on x86 ?
> Agreed.

> 2) It ensures that seq_cst operations are fully ordered. This means that,
> in addition to (1), and the corresponding fence for stores, every seq_cst
> store must be separated from a seq_cst load by at least a w,r fence, so a
> seq_cst store followed by a seq_cst load is not reordered.
> This makes sense when both store -> load are seq_cst.
> But the question is what happens when that store is non atomic. IOW if we
> had a store(relaxed) -> load(seq_cst) would the generated code still ensure
> that load had a full barrier to prevent
> That reordering is not observable in conforming C or C++ code. To observe
that reordering, another thread would have to  concurrently load from the
same location as the non-atomic store. That's a data race and undefined
behavior, at least in C and C++.

Perhaps more importantly here, if the earlier store is a relaxed store,
then the relaxed store is not ordered with respect to a subsequent seq_cst
load, just as it would not be ordered by a subsequent critical section.
You can think of C++ seq_cst as being roughly the minimal ordering to
guarantee that if you only use locks and seq_cst atomics (and avoid data
races as required), everything looks sequentially consistent.

I think the Linux kernel has made some different decisions here that give
atomics stronger ordering properties than lock-based critical sections.

> w,r fences are discouraged on RISC-V, and probably no better than rw,rw,
> so that's how the leading fence got there. (Again the io ordering should
> disappear. It's the responsibility of IO code to insert that explicitly,
> rather than paying for it everywhere.)
> Thanks for explaining the RV semantics.
> x86 does (2) by associating that fence with stores instead of loads,
> either by using explicit fences after stores, or by turning stores into
> xchg.
> That makes sense as x86 has ld->ld and ld -> st architecturally ordered,
> so any fences ought to be associated with st.
It also guarantees st->st and ld->st. The decision is arbitrary, except
that we believe that there will be fewer stores than loads that need those

> Thx,
> -Vineet
> RISC-V could do the same. And I believe that if the current A extension
> were the final word on the architecture, it should. But that convention is
> not compatible with the later introduction of an "acquire load", which I
> think is essential for performance, at least on larger cores. So I think
> the two fence mapping for loads should be maintained for now, as I
> suggested in the document I posted to the list.
> Hans
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 12:31 PM Vineet Gupta <vine...@rivosinc.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a testcase (from real workloads) involving C++ atomics and trying
>> to understand the codegen (gcc 12) for RVWMO and x86.
>> It does mix atomics with non-atomics so not obvious what the behavior is
>> intended to be hence some explicit CC of subject matter experts
>> (apologies for that in advance).
>> Test has a non-atomic store followed by an atomic_load(SEQ_CST). I
>> assume that unadorned direct access defaults to safest/conservative
>> seq_cst.
>>     extern int g;
>>     std::atomic<int> a;
>>     int bar_noaccessor(int n, int *n2)
>>     {
>>          *n2 = g;
>>          return n + a;
>>     }
>>     int bar_seqcst(int n, int *n2)
>>     {
>>          *n2 = g;
>>          return n + a.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
>>     }
>> On RV (rvwmo), with current gcc 12 we get 2 full fences around the load
>> as prescribed by Privileged Spec, Chpater A, Table A.6 (Mappings from
>> C/C++ to RISC-V primitives).
>>     _Z10bar_seqcstiPi:
>>     .LFB382:
>>          .cfi_startproc
>>          lui    a5,%hi(g)
>>          lw    a5,%lo(g)(a5)
>>          sw    a5,0(a1)
>>     *fence    iorw,iorw*
>>          lui    a5,%hi(a)
>>          lw    a5,%lo(a)(a5)
>>     *fence    iorw,iorw*
>>          addw    a0,a5,a0
>>          ret
>> OTOH, for x86 (same default toggles) there's no barriers at all.
>>     _Z10bar_seqcstiPi:
>>          endbr64
>>          movl    g(%rip), %eax
>>          movl    %eax, (%rsi)
>>          movl    a(%rip), %eax
>>          addl    %edi, %eax
>>          ret
>> My naive intuition was x86 TSO would require a fence before
>> load(seq_cst) for a prior store, even if that store was non atomic, so
>> ensure load didn't bubble up ahead of store.
>> Perhaps this begs the general question of intermixing non atomic
>> accesses with atomics and if that is undefined behavior or some such. I
>> skimmed through C++14 specification chapter Atomic Operations library
>> but nothing's jumping out on the topic.
>> Or is it much deeper, related to As-if rule or something.
>> Thx,
>> -Vineet

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