Hi Martin, I haven't examin the whole project yet. But i have free time till next October, I mean litterally free time nothing to do. So during this time I think i can work with Jakub on OMPD and work on something in gcc internals. Maybe you can suggest something not very big something that can be done in 3 months. Mohamed
في الأربعاء، ١٥ يونيو، ٢٠٢٢ ١:٠٢ م Martin Jambor <mjam...@suse.cz> كتب: > Hello Mohamed, > > On Wed, Jun 15 2022, Mohamed Atef wrote: > > Hi, > > Are there any further details about this project? > > do you have any particular question in mind? > > The project was not selected for this year's Google Summer of Code > program. As far as I know nobody works on it outside the program (but I > just may not know). > > When discussing the project earlier this year, Pedro Alves pointed out > that we also need demangler entry points which do not rely on malloc > which can be used in signal handlers. That requirement is likely to > make the project uglier (but perhaps not necessarily much harder). > > Martin >