On Fri, May 06, 2022 at 02:09:21PM +0000, Matthias Gehre via Gcc wrote:
> /// \param quo The quotient represented by n words. Must be non-null.
> /// \param rem The remainder represented by n words. Must be non-null.
> /// \param a The dividend represented by n + 1 words. Must be non-null.
> /// \param b The divisor represented by n words. Must be non-null.
> /// \note The word order is in host endianness.
> /// \note Might modify a and b.
> /// \note The storage of 'a' needs to hold n + 1 elements because some
> ///       implementations need extra scratch space in the most significant 
> word.
> ///       The value of that word is ignored.
> void __udivmodei5(uint32_t *quo, uint32_t *rem, uint32_t *a,
>                                   uint32_t *b, unsigned n);
> /// Computes the signed division of a / b.
> /// See __udivmodei5 for details.
> void __divmodei5(uint32_t *quo, uint32_t *rem, uint32_t *a, uint32_t *b,
>                                  unsigned n);

> Sizes certainly should be with size_t, not unsigned type.

> Rather than uint32_t, wouldn't using the word size (64-bit for lp64, 32-bit
for ilp32) be better?
Is there a portable way to specify this in C? (size_t, uintptr_t?) And is the 
word size
clearly defined for each target? (I'm not a backend expert).

> And I really don't like the N + 1 stuff you're proposing, at least for
> _BigInts that would be represented as an array of those word etc. elements
> from least to most significant (or vice versa?  That really needs to be
> specified too), if they are same precision having to copy one of them just
> to get the extra scratch is bad.
Yes, that's a trade-off. Knuth algorithm is generally a good choice, but 
not having the extra scratch space would introduce more branches into it.
Also, the proposed __udivmodei5 is allowed to overwrite the inputs, so you might
need to copy them anyways.

I actually didn't have this N + 1 initially, but then I got a comment on the
compiler-rt review, and added it subsequently. Personally, I don't mind either

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